Highlights of History by J. Carroll Mansfield began November 17 1924 and ran until at least November 22, 1941. In the early days it was a caption strip heavy on the history. Eventually word balloons were added and soon even the stories became more like a Revolutionary War era adventure strip although real-life characters continued their appearances. The heroes were forest rangers Jack Blount and the lad Kip Kirby along with their sidekicks White Buffalo and Pineknot. The strip was very close to the later DC comic book storyline on Tomahawk and his rip-roaring rangers. By the forties Highlights of History had returned to its original form, telling the story of Jenghis Khan in the old caption strip format.
I just found a whole book of these for one school year. It is a 12 x 12" softbound book made Grammer Schools in Maine. It's pretty cool. This copy is one of the earlier editions as it has no speach bubbles.