★ Info UPDATED, January 26, 2019 ★
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[1] June 23, 1938, art by Elzie Segar. |
Compiled and researched by
Leonardo De Sá
Leonardo De Sá
A LFRED Harmsworth, Lord Northcliffe (1865-1922) published the first issue of his Daily Mirror newspaper on Monday, November 2, 1903. His brother Harold Harmsworth, Lord Rothermere (1868-1940), became the paper’s chief proprietor in 1914. Harry Guy Bartholomew (1878-1962) joined the Mirror in January 1904 and in November 1934 began experimenting with heavy black type, bold headlines, pin-ups, pictures and short easily digested text — with crime and sex as main features. Similar methods were soon adapted by other British newspapers. Bartholomew was Chairman of The Daily Mirror and The Sunday Pictorial from 1944 to 1951. William Kerridge Haselden (1872-1953) is considered the father of the British newspaper strip cartoon. His topical cartoons in the period 1904 to 1944, similar to the American cartoons of Clare A. Briggs, were a popular feature in the Mirror. The first British daily newspaper comic strip — titled Teddy Tail — appeared in another Harmsworth brothers paper, the Daily Mail. It began April 5, 1915, and was written and drawn by Charles Folkard (1878-1963). The Daily Mirror began printing comic strips in full colour on 06/Jun/1988.
comic strip series index
comic strip series index
Mrs. Hippo’s Kindergarten
★ 16/APR/1904 (one-shot)
By Julius Stafford Baker. One-shot strip introducing Tiger Tim (the newspaper was then called The Daily Illustrated Mirror). In November 1904 the same animal characters began as a regular series in The Monthly Playbox, the children's supplement to the magazine The World and His Wife, then was transferred to The Children's Encyclopedia in 1914 and that same year The Bruin Boys and Tiger Tim became the lead strip in The Rainbow. It also had its own comic, Tiger Tim’s Weekly in 1920.
Pip, Squeak and Wilfred
★ Debuted 12/MAY/1919, ended 31/AUG/1954
By “Uncle Dick” (writer; real name Bertram J. Lamb) & Austin B. Payne (artist); later written by Don Freeman, from 1938, and drawn by Hugh McClelland, after 1953. McClelland was the first head of the Daily Mirror strip department and creator of several comic strips.
Pip, Squeak and Wilfred was dropped in 28/JUN/1940 and was revived in 18/JAN/1947; it was transferred the next day after the end in the newspaper to Junior Mirror and was finally discontinued 09/MAR/1955. One story was reprinted in the Daily Mirror 21/NOV/1998 through 09/JAN/1999
★ Pip and Squeak was the slightly different title of a free four-page Saturday pull-out comic supplement, numbered independently but maintaining the paper’s proper page numbers: it debuted 15/OCT/1921; was reduced to three pages with no. 24, dated 25/MAR/1922, then to two pages with no. 39, dated 08/JUL/1922, until no. 211, dated 24/OCT/1925. It proceeded with only one page with no. 212, dated 31/OCT/1925. Its front page title (masthead) was sporadically changed to Pip, Squeak and Wilfred with no. 113, dated 08/DEC/1923, and became permanent with no. 141, dated 21/JUN/1924. Besides the title heroes, it also featured several other individual comic stories and strip series for children such as “Betty or No Mother to Guide Her,” “The Adventures of Mollie and Maurice Mouse,” “Whispering Island,” “Big-Toe and Pearly-Tooth, the Pre-historic Children,” “The Magic Haystack,” “Peter and Pam Fight the Wolves,” etc.
Mutt & Jeff (USA)
★ Debuted 19/MAR/1923, ended 11/SEP/1923
By Bud Fisher.
★ Debuted 08/NOV/1924, ended 18/APR/1925
By MacMichael (?), later by Walter Bell. Appeared in Pip, Squeak and Wilfred supplement.
A Trip Into the Future
★ Debuted 06/DEC/1924, ended 24/JAN/1925
Credits unknown. Appeared in Pip, Squeak and Wilfred supplement.
Tik and Tok
★ Debuted 14/FEB/1925, ended 18/APR/1925
By Gail Holloway. Appeared in Pip, Squeak and Wilfred supplement.
★ Debuted 02/MAY/1925, ended 16/MAY/1925
Credits unknown. Appeared in Pip, Squeak and Wilfred supplement.
Izzy and Dizzy
★ Debuted 18/JUL/1925, ended 03/OCT/1925
Credits unknown. Appeared in Pip, Squeak and Wilfred supplement.
The Newlyweds (USA)
★ Debuted 26/OCT/1925, ended 26/APR/1926
By George McManus.
The Jinks Family
★ Debuted 18/APR/1927, ended 29/OCT/1927
By W.S.F.
Father On His Holiday
★ Debuted 01/AUG/1928, ended 04/AUG/1928
By W. K. Haselden.
★ Debuted 25/AUG/1928, ended 01/DEC/1928
By Harold Earnshaw.
The Pater
★ Debuted 10/DEC/1928, ended 28/FEB/1931
By Harold Earnshaw.
★ Debuted 19/OCT/1931, ended 19/NOV/1931
By Jove.
★ Debuted 21/NOV/1931, ended 25/NOV/1933
By Frank Dowling (writer) & “Dart” (Martin [unknown if Martin is first or last name], then Steve Dowling). Also appeared in the Sunday Pictorial.
[4] June 27, 1938, by Norman Pett. Jane’s Journal – The Diary of a Bright Young Thing
★ Debuted 05/DEC/1932, ended 10/OCT/1959
By Norman Pett. Title changed to Jane… beginning 01/APR/1938; later written by Don Freeman, from December 1938; drawn by Michael Hubbard, starting 01/MAY/1948; its final episodes were written by Ian Gammidge.
Is Truth Stranger Than Fiction?
★ Debuted 14/NOV/1933, ended 14/FEB/1934 (strip #65)
By Jack Dunkley.
★ Debuted 11/MAR/1935, ended 03/AUG/1957
By Frank Dowling (writer; from 1946 succeeded by Guy Morgan, William Connor & Ian Gammidge) & “Blik” (artist; real name Steve Dowling, sometimes ghosted by Angus Scott). At times titled The Ruggles or The Ruggles Family.
[5] June 23, 1938, art by Gloria. Belinda Blue-Eyes
★ Debuted 30/SEP/1935, ended 17/OCT/1959
By William Connor (writer) & “Gloria” (artist; later drawn by Steve Dowling under the same pseudonym; sometimes ghosted by Angus Scott); title shortened to Belinda 07/SEP/1939; drawn by Tony Royle from 1943; written by Peter O’Donnell for a while in 1952; later scripts by Don Freeman.
Gordon Fife, Soldier of Fortune (USA)
★ Debuted 03/AUG/1936, ended 16/OCT/1937
By Bob Moore (writer) & John Hales (art), later drawn by Carl Pfeufer.
Can You Beat It?
★ Extant 03/OCT/1936, extant 10/APR/1937
By Jack Monk. Curiosities and puzzles in strip format, sometimes titled Can You Beat This? The series appeared earlier in the Daily Express.
Terror Keep
★ Debuted 18/DEC/1936, ended 20/MAR/1937
By Don Freeman (writer; adapted from Edgar Wallace) & Jack Monk (artist).
Behind the Scenes...
★ Debuted 17/APR/1937, extant 19/JUN/1937
By Jack Monk. Curiosities in strip format.
Popeye (USA)
★ Debuted 13/MAY/1937, ended 16/FEB/1946
By E.C. Segar, then Doc Winner, then Bela Zaboly.
Love Me Forever… (photo-comic)
★ Debuted 24/JUL/1937, ended 21 or 22/SEP/1937
Credits unknown.
Connie (USA)
★ Debuted 24/SEP/1937, ended 31/MAR/1938
By Frank Godwin.
Camille and Her Boss… (USA, originally Somebody's Stenog)
★ Debuted 04/OCT/1937, extant 20/DEC/1937, ended before 28/DEC/1937
By A.E. Hayward (ghosted possibly by Ray Thompson or Sam Nichols).
Beelzebub Jones
★ Debuted 28/DEC/1937, ended 28/DEC/1945
By Hugh McClelland.
The Mulligans
★ Debuted 16/APR/1938, ended 04/JUN/1938
By Jack Greenall.
Henry (USA)
★ Debuted 06/JUL/1939, ended 12/DEC/1939
By Carl Anderson.
★ Debuted 24/JUL/1943, ended 22/MAR/1997
By Steve Dowling (writer-artist), then drawn by John Allard 23/APR/1969 to 10/JUL/1971; drawn by Frank Bellamy 12/JUL/1971 to 25/OCT/1976; drawn by Martin Asbury starting 26/OCT/1976. Written by Steve Dowling, then by Don Freeman, then Hugh McClelland (1952-53), then Peter O’Donnell (from 1953), then James Edgar (from 1966), then Angus Allan (from 1985) and others. Reprints started 21/FEB/2011, with colours added by Martin Baines: ongoing as of 26/JAN/2019.
Dan Doofer
★ Debuted 29/DEC/1945, ended 20/JUL/1946
By Hugh McClelland.
[8] February 20, 1952, art by Steve Dowling, Hugh McClelland, Jack Dunkley. Jimpy
★ Debuted 05/JAN/1946, ended 23/AUG/1952
By Hugh McClelland.
Sunshine Falls
★ Debuted 22/JUL/1946, ended 19/JUL/1947
By Hugh McClelland.
★ Debuted 23/SEP/1946, ended 02/JAN/1953
By Bill Herbert (creator), Ambrose Heath (writer) & Jack Dunkley (artist).
The Battle of the Back Garden
★ Debuted 28/SEP/1946, ended (?) 01/JAN/1953
By Bernard Venables. Initial title until 19/JUL/1947; title changed to Gardening 25/JUL/1947 to 12/DEC/1947; title changed to Mr. Crabtree 19/DEC/1947 to 19/MAR/1948; title changed back to Gardening 02/APR/1948 to 20/AUG/1948; title changed back to Mr. Crabtree 27/AUG/1948. Returned in new series Mr. Crabtree Crusades in 1974-75.
Mr. Digwell
★ Debuted 1946? (unchecked), still extant 27/MAY/1989 (end unchecked)
By Ambrose Heath (writer) & Bernard Venables (artist), later written by Ian Gammidge and drawn by Jack Dunkley. Extant 01/MAR/1949; extant 07/JUL/1949 (already Dunkley).
[9] February 15, 1952, art by Leonard Gamblin. The Flutters
★ Debuted 07/JUL/1947 (intro; really started 09/JUL/1947), ended 27/FEB/1971
By Jack Hargreaves, then Ian Gammidge (writers) & Leonard Gamblin (artist).
Romeo Brown
★ Debuted 01/SEP/1954, ended 07/JUL/1962
By “Maz” (writer-artist; real name Alfred Mazure); written by Peter O’Donnell and drawn by Jim Holdaway starting 22/Jan/1957.
★ Debuted 24/SEP/1956, ended 16/JUL/1962
By Doris Atkins (writer) & Margaret Abbott (artist; succeeded by Harry Smith).
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[10] August 12, 1959, by Reg Smythe |
Andy Capp
★ Debuted 05/AUG/1957, then 14/APR/1958 (national edition), ongoing as of 26/JAN/2019
By Reg Smythe. Originally started 05/AUG/1957 only in the Manchester edition; first Andy Capp in the London newspaper: 14/APR/1958; since late 1998/early 1999 by Roger Kettle (writer) & Roger Mahoney (artist), credits for both only started 04/NOV/2004; since 04/APR/2011 written by Lawrence Goldsmith (also colourist) and Sean Garnett, for artist Roger Mahoney.
The Larks
★ Debuted 05/AUG/1957, ended 28/FEB/1985
By Bill Kelly and Arthur Lay, R. St. John Cooper, Brian Cooke, and lastly Ian Gammidge (writers) & Jack Dunkley (artist).
Hylda Baker’s Diary
★ 1957/1958 (unchecked)
By Denis Gifford (writer) & “Kol” (artist; real name Dennis Collins). Only appeared in the Northern edition of the Daily Mirror, printed in Manchester.
The Perishers
★ Debuted 10/FEB/1958, then 19/OCT/1959 (national edition), ended 10/JUN/2006
By Bill Herbert (artist and creator) & Ben Witham (writer); in 1959 succeeded by Maurice Dodd (writer) & Dennis Collins (artist); in 1983-92 drawn by Maurice Dodd; since November 1992 drawn Bill Mevin. Originally started 10/FEB/1958 only in the Northern edition of the Daily Mirror; first appeared in the London newspaper 19/OCT/1959. Reprints started 22/FEB/2010: ongoing as of 26/JAN/2019.
★ Debuted 12/OCT/1959, ended 08/APR/1961
By Jenny Butterworth (writer) & Rab Hamilton (artist; real name Alex Hamilton).
Keeping Up With the Joneses
★ Debuted 09/MAR/1960, ended 26/AUG/1961
By Ian Gammidge (writer) & Steve Dowling (artist; succeeded by Leslie Caswell).
Jane, Daughter of Jane
★ Debuted 28/AUG/1961, ended 30/AUG/1963
By Roger Woddis (writer) & “Maz” (artist; real name Alfred Mazure).
[11] March 9, 1935, art by A.B. Payne. The Fosdyke Saga
★ Debuted 02/MAR/1971, ended 28/FEB/1985
By Bill Tidy.
Little Joe
★ Debuted 16/APR/1973, ended 30/NOV/1976
By Ian Gammidge (writer) & “Fel” (artist; real name Bert Felstead, aka Felgate?).
Mr. Crabtree Crusades
★ Debuted 31/MAY/1974, still extant 04/APR/1975 (end unchecked)
By Bernard Venables.
Patty’s Hours of Agony: A Reconstruction of the Life of Patty Hearst
★ 20/MAR/1976 (one-shot)
By Anthony Delano (writer) & Frank Bellamy (artist). Complete story.
The Mr. Men
★ Debuted 01/DEC/1976, ended 04/DEC/1982
By Roger Hargreaves.
The Elvis Presley Story
★ Debuted 12/SEP/1977, ended 21/OCT/1977 (Day 30)
By Ian Gammidge (writer) & Martin Asbury (artist).
Daisy in the Garden
★ Debuted 01/SEP/1978, ended (?) 31/JUL/1981
By John Hill.
The Skolars (advertisement strip)
★ Debuted 29/MAR/1980, ended 22/AUG/1981
Credits unknown.
★ Debuted 29/AUG/1981, ended 02/JAN/1982
Credits unknown.
★ Debuted 19/NOV/1984, ended 15/NOV/1985
By Keith Waterhouse (writer) & “Trog” (artist; real name Wally Fawkes). Transferred from the Daily Mail; continued after in the Sunday Mirror.
Jane, Grand Daughter of Jane
★ Debuted 16/APR/1985, ended 01/SEP/1990
By Ian Gammidge (writer; succeeded by Roger Mahoney, Hilary King, Tim Quinn and Les Lilley) & John M. Burns (artist).
A Man Called Horace
★ Debuted 29/MAY/1989, ended 01/AUG/2015
By Roger Kettle (writer) & Andrew Christine (artist). Suspended 22/JUN/1996; revived with title shortened to Horace in 1997 (before 11/OCT/1997).
★ Debuted 14/AUG/1989, ended 19/FEB/2011
By Barrie Tomlinson and James Tomlinson (writers) & Barrie Mitchell (artist the first year), John Gillatt (much of the 1990s), David Sque (until the end), with colours by David Pugh and Martin Baines (mid/late 2000s).
Millie and Her Brother Richard
★ Debuted 31/MAR/1990, ended 18/NOV/1995
By Roger Mahoney. Title shortened to Millie 03/SEP/1990.
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles
★ Debuted 30/APR/1990, ended 04/MAY/1991
By Martin Griffiths.
Disney Mirror
★ Debuted 02/MAR/1991, ended 26/MAR/1994
Colour and B&W 8-page Saturday giveaway supplement reprinting classic American Walt Disney newspaper strips and puzzles. No. 1 to no. 160.
Baz & Co.
★ Debuted 24/JUN/1991, ended 12/DEC/1992
By Mike Higgs.
Girl Chat
★ Debuted 14/DEC/1992, ended 18/NOV/1995
By John M. Burns.
Real Life
★ Debuted 24/JUN/1996, ended 30/OCT/2004
Created by Tom Johnston.
Mandy Capp
★ Debuted 06/JAN/1997, ended 07/APR/2018
By Carla Ostrer (writer) & Roger Mahoney (artist); later written and drawn by Carla Ostrer. Title shortened to Mandy 26/DEC/1998.
Ronaldinho (Brazil)
★ Debuted 12/JUN/2006, ended 21/JUL/2006
By Mauricio de Sousa.
Pooch Café (USA)
★ Debuted 24/JUL/2006, ended 20/FEB/2010
By Paul Gilligan.
Simon’s Cat
★ Debuted 21/FEB/2011, ended 15 or 16/FEB/2013
By Simon Tofield.
Images For Many of the Titles in This List…
Meanwhile, any additional information is welcomed, especially missing names of WRITERS and ARTISTS.
Meanwhile, any additional information is welcomed, especially missing names of WRITERS and ARTISTS.