Today's Sunday page is from 1955. I remember my parents reading the Mumbles/Neki Hokey sequence for me, and like many people I'm sure it was a desire to read comic strips on my own that got me started on a life of reading. A lot of people have pondered the meaning of a smokin' sixties cajun song by Bobbie Gentry called Niki Hoeky -- this was probably the genesis of the hit song.
Niki, Niki, Niki Hoeky,
Your pappy's doing time in the pokey,
Your sisters on a trip,
Your momma got hip,
Little boy you're lookin' ok,
You ooh boog-a-boo you,
You ooh boog-a-boo you ...
It was definitely the inspiration for Neki Hokey, written by Billy Dawn Smith, recorded by the Cleftones-1956.Also recorded by the Cardinals. (unreleased?)
The lyrics are the same as the lyrics of Niki Hoeky, said to have been written by Pat and Lolly Vegas of Redbone, recorded by P.J. Proby.