1 [1908] Les Tribulations d’un chat. |
THE KING of French comic
albums was Benjamin Rabier (1864-1939) with over 137 children’s books and albums
available for browsing on Gallica. Rabier contributed to La Chronique Amusante, Gil Blas Illustré, Le Journal Amusant, Le Chat Noir, Robida’s La Caricature, Le Journal Pour Tous, Le Rire, and Images d’Épinal. He published his own journal Histoire comique et Naturelle des Animaux in 1907 and 1908. Rabier also worked in animation for Pathé Baby in the twenties.
2 [1908] La Jeunesse Illustrée No. 5, March 29. |
3 [1899] Le Journal Amusant, September 23. |
4 [1911] Le Journal Amusant, July 8. |
5 [1930] Gédéon dans la forêt. |
6 [1908] Histoire Comique et Naturelle des Animaux No. 26, February 13. |
7 [1908] Histoire Comique et Naturelle des Animaux. |
8 [1908] Les Tribulations d’un chat. |
9 [1914-15] La Grande Guerre par les
artistes. |
10 [1920] Advertisement. |
11 [1907] Le Rire No. 250, November 16. |
Four complete issues of
Histoire comique et Naturelle des Animaux
♪ ♪ ♪
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