By John
Mr. (Robert) Bonner’s methods of conducting and
advertising the Ledger led, among other things, to the establishment of the
American News Company. Many of his advertisements to smaller cities referred
would be purchasers of the Ledger to local booksellers. Letters from such Mr.
Bonner turned over to Mr. (Sinclair) Tousey of Ross, Jones & Tousey, who
prepared a circular letter suggesting the regular sale of periodicals. Mr.
Tousey afterward became the President of the American News Company, whose first
business was so built up. – ‘Robert Bonner, the Story of his Life,’ Gazette
and Courier, Greenfield, Mass., July 22, 1899
Histories of dime novels record (briefly) that the American
News Company was founded in 1864 by Sinclair Tousey in New York City as a
distributor of story papers, magazines, and dime novels. In time, with a near total control of
newspaper and book distribution in the United States, Tousey became the richest
and most powerful man in American publishing.
Sinclair Tousey was born in New Haven in 1815 and was working
for Erasmus Beadle from the firm’s beginning. The title page of Malaeska,
the Indian Wife of the White Hunter by Ann S. Stephens (Beadle's Dime
Novels, No. 1, June 9, 1860) shows Beadle & Co. of 141 William Street (they
had moved to these premises in May 1860) as the publisher. The firm was run by
Irwin Beadle and Robert Adams, with some backing by Erastus Beadle. Also, on
the title page at bottom is the name Sinclair Tousey of 121 Nassau Street, NY. Nassau
and Ann streets were in “the Swamp,” where Robert DeWitt and most cheap
publishers of the fifties and sixties had their offices.
Mary Noel (Villains Galore) notes that by 1860 the two
largest newsvendors in America were Ross & Tousey and Dexter & Brother.
Ross, Jones & Tousey were wholesale news agents in Nassau Street from 1854
to 1856. From then until 1864 the firm operated as Ross & Tousey. They also
sold British periodicals like Punch’s Almanac. Robert M. DeWitt also had
offices on Nassau street. In 1858 advertisements show that Dexter & Brother,
Long & Farrelly, Hendrickson & Blake, and Dick & Fitzgerald all
operated out of Ann street, Samuel Yates on Beckman street, and WM Skelly on
Greenwich street. The Phunny Phellow, “a comic illustrated paper”
published by Okie, Dayton & Jones, was puffed in the NY Daily Tribune on
Dec 3, 1860. It was sold by Ross & Tousey, H. Dexter & Co., Samuel
Yates, Hamilton, Johnson and Farrelly, and John F. Feeks & Co.
Henry Dexter, Busy Man’s Magazine, May 1, 1910 |
Poking around in newspaper archives from 1864 I found two
advertisements, both in Horace Greeley’s Daily Tribune (Greeley was a
good friend of Sinclair Tousey’s). The first from February 6 advertises the
American News Company as “successors to Sinclair Tousey and H. Dexter Hamilton
and Company.” The second is from March 3 and lists the officers of the ANC
Sinclair Tousey, President
Henry Dexter, Vice-President
John E. Tousey, Secretary
S.W. Johnson, Treasurer
John Hamilton, F. Farrelly} Superintendents
New York Tribune, March 3, 1864 |
A newspaper paragraph from the June 11, 1904 Rockland County Times identifies Patrick Farrelly as one of the founders. F. Farrelly may have been a typo. In an article titled News Butchers in The American Mercury (April 1947) Stewart H. Holbrook writes “In a fat, handsome brochure the company published in 1944, for its eightieth birthday, a mere nineteen lines of text serves to relate the concern’s long history. Today it has nearly four hundred branches in the United States and Canada and supplies ninety thousand retailers, many of them train butchers, with wares. The brochure displays portraits of The Founders, seven in number, who were George Dexter, Henry Dexter, Solomon W. Johnson, John E. Tousey, John Hamilton, Sinclair Tousey, and Patrick Farrelly.”
Rockland County Times, June 11, 1904 |
The bulk of the ANC founders’ fortunes came from the dime
novel and story paper publishers; the Beadle’s. Norman and George Munro, and
Frank Tousey. ANC distributed the New York Ledger, New York Weekly,
Family Story Paper and Fireside Companion, all published in New
York, as well as the Saturday Night published in Philadelphia.
It may be asked why, if these five papers are so
successful, others do not become so. The American News Company control this.
There is no other News Company, and this has over 50,000 newsstands and stores
under its control. It will not send out any other paper of the Ledger class
except the five named, and this gives them full control of the situation. More
than one unfortunate individual has been swamped in his expectations and purse,
by finding that ho could not got his papers upon the newsstands of the country,
try as hard as ever he might. – ‘Story Papers, What They Are and How They
Manage To Live,’ Amenia Times, June 25, 1888
The growth of the ANC was greatly aided by the growth of
railroads after the Civil War. By 1869 railways stretched from coast to coast. Telegraph
stations and news depots sprung up at nearly every stop. Railroads were
required to transport newspapers and periodicals as second-class bulk mail at a
special low subsidized price. This was the era of the street newsboy and his
railroading counterpart, the news butcher. News butchers sold candy as well as
paper on the trains.
The continuity becomes confusing from here on. Sinclair Tousey died June 16, 1887. Although Tousey continued working in his office up to the day of his death newspapers reported in 1880 that David P. Rhoades was the acting president at the time. Henry Dexter took over as President of the ANC in 1887. Newspaper reports identify Patrick Farrelly, who began life as a news butcher on the railroads, as president in May 1890. Dexter died July 11, 1910, age 98, of cerebral
Of books the largest dealing is in paper covers. The
company bring them to the attention of the news agents all over the world and before
the circulating libraries. The establishment is of inestimable value to the
small publishing houses, and the immense business carried on by the company Is
evidenced by the fact that millions of books and periodicals pass through their
hands during the year. Their goods go across the Atlantic, up the Mediterranean,
through the Suez Canal, until they meet the current coming from the western coast
that goes to Japan and India. A department devoted to wholesale stationery has grown
out of the necessities of the business. There are 250 employees in the New York
house alone, which is situated in Chambers street, and has been the headquarters
of the company since 1877.
The business, probably the largest of its kind in
this country, was founded by Sinclair Tousey and Henry Dexter and their
associates, Hamilton, Johnson and Farrelly, about twenty-seven years ago. Since
Mr. Tousey’s death Mr. Dexter has been president of the company. Mr. Dexter
takes no part in public affairs, nor did Sinclair Tousey; but the latter was
very well known as a member of the Prison Association, for his connection with
the Union League Club and as a close friend of Horace Greeley. The only other
business house in the world to which the American News Company may be compared
is the one in London known as W.H. Smith & Co. The head of that firm, Mr. Smith,
is the government leader in the House of Commons. – ‘The American News
Company,’ New York Press, 1890
The Sun, June 17, 1887 |
Canada’s Busy Man’s Magazine reported in July 1, 1908 that
Henry Dexter “ is in his ninety-sixth year, and although he resigned the
presidency of the American News Company some ten or twelve years ago, he still retains
a large interest in the company.” George Tyson reportedly acted as President until
November 1895. Next (Wild American Pulp Artists tells us) was Solomon W. Johnson, the
last survivor of the original founders’ group, who became President and held
that office until 1913. A contradiction however: one Henry W. Bellows died in
1913 and was described as formerly a president of the ANC. No dates or further
information about Bellows has come to light.
From here we move into the period when ANC (allegedly) threw in their lot
with organized crime. During Prohibition, the New York mob was run by Lucky
Luciano who brought Italian, Jewish, and Irish gangs under one roof.
Solomon W.
Johnson’s presidential successor was Samuel Shipley Blood, formerly ANC Treasurer. He was in
the service of the company and its subsidiaries for 66 years.
Mr. Blood organized the New York News Company as a
young man and became manager of International News Company and a vice president
of the American News Company, which absorbed the New York News Company. In 1915
he became president, treasurer, and chairman of the board of the American News
Company, and soon afterward president of the International News Company. – ‘S.S.
Blood Dies; Retired Head of American News Co.,’ Brooklyn Daily Eagle,
Oct 23, 1934
Stephen Farrelly of the ANC was arrested and fined in 1890 for
selling the works of Balzac and Tolstoi. In 1917 Farrelly was described as
“Directing Manager and Vice-President” of the ANC.
Harry Gould became President
after S.S. Blood. Gould died in 1945 although it was reported he had retired some
years previously. William A. Eichhorn was Secretary. There is a seven-year gap in my continuity until 1952 when a July 18 article in the Ottawa Citizen identifies P.D. O’Connell as President of the ANC. Henry
Garfinkle, who started out in life as a newsboy on the Staten Island Ferry, served
as the last president of the American News Company.
will end with the following paragraph from the online Field
Guide to Wild American Pulp Artists. The statement is unsourced,
although I believe it may have been based on the memories of pulp artist Norman Saunders, maybe of stories heard or rumored.
These allegations will be the subject of a future post.
Of interest is that mob
killer Dion O’Bannion was on the payroll of William Randolph Hearst. According
to Ferdinand Lundberg’s 1936 biography Imperial Hearst the gangster was
the chief circulation agent for Hearst’s Herald-Examiner from 1917 to
1922 and was bumped off in 1925 over a bootlegging beef. Hagiographies of the historic cast and crew
usually gloss over this long period of corruption and collaboration between
publishers and organized crime in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia...
Leaving huge gaps and disinformation in the historical record.
Moses Annenberg, May 1947 |
During the "roaring twenties" organized
crime acquired control of the nationwide system of distribution, trucking,
warehousing, and labor unions. The American News Company (ANC) was the most
powerful force in publishing. It was controlled by organized crime, but it was
headed by William Randolph Hearst, Arthur Brisbane, and Moe L. Annenberg. – ‘H.K. Fly,’ Field
Guide to Wild American Pulp Artists.
UPDATE: The above quote may be partly true but there is no evidence Hearst, Brisbane and Annenberg headed the ANC. Theodore Peterson noted that
The company practically monopolized the distribution of periodicals when
the low-priced magazine appeared in the nineties, but at mid-century it had
some competition from the few other distributing agencies, S-M News Company,
and organizations controlled by Curtis, Fawcett and Hearst. – Magazines in the twentieth century, 1956
To Be