1 [1932] Cover design ‘Maskierte am Tisch’ (masked character at table), Vol. 37, Jugend, No. 5, p.65, January 26. |
HEINRICH KLEY (1863-1945), pen-and-ink master from Munich, was a frequent contributor to the weekly papers Jugend (1897-1938, 231 times) and Simplicissimus (1908-44, 141 times in total). Part of his work was published in full-color. Two issues of Jugend contained mostly Kley art. In January 1910 the Carnival Special, Jugend No. 5, focused on his fantasy art. In 1915 the New Year’s Day Special, Jugend No. 1, put the spotlight on his industrial drawings and paintings. JUGEND (youth, subtitle: ‘Münchner illustrierte Wochenschrift für Kunst und Leben’ – Munich illustrated weekly for art and living) was published by ‘G. Hirth’s Verlag in München & Leipzig.’
2 [1910] Kieler Woche (Kiel Week – the annual sailing event in the city of Kiel), Vol. 15, Jugend, No. 5, p.99, page-wide drawing in the Carnival Special, January 29. |
3 [1912] Der Fund im Winterwalde (discovery in wintry forest), Vol. 17, Jugend, No. 52, p.1597, full page of the ‘Weihnachts-Nummer’ – Christmas Special, December 21. |
4 [1919] Adagio, Vol. 24, in Jugend, No. 46, p.1044, full page, November 11. |
5 [1910] Luftschiffverkehr Isarathen – Oberammergau (a dream of airship travel between the Munich Königsplatz square, nicknamed ‘Isar Athens,’ and Oberammergau in the distant Bavarian Alps, site of famous Passion Plays; the station has seperated platforms, one for ‘Katholiken’ or Catholics, the other for ‘Freie Menschheit/Gemischter’ or Free Mankind/Mixed, further specified as ‘Protestant, Israeli, Methodist, Lutheran, Buddhist, etc. etc.’), Vol. 15, Jugend, No. 5, p.126, back page of the Carnival Special, with the publisher’s credits at the bottom, January 29. |
6 [1911] Der Esel des Silen (Silenus’ donkey), Vol. 16, Jugend, No. 45, p.1201, full page, November 4. |
7 [1911] Das Recht auf Erotik (the right to erotica), full page with a textual quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, Vol. 16, Jugend, No. 28, p.730, full page, July 8. |
8 [1914] Der Sekt-Centaur (the bubbly wine centaur), Vol. 19, Jugend, No. 6, p.157, full page of the ‘Faschings-Nummer’ – Carnival Special, February 14. |
9 [1918] Centauren-Balz (centaur mating season), Vol. 23, Jugend, No. 13, p.227, page-wide drawing, March 25. |
10 [1910] Amazonen bei der Schiessübung im Lager Lechfeld (Amazons at the firing excercise in camp Lechfeld), Vol. 15, Jugend, No. 5, pp.100-101, center spread of the Carnival Special, January 29. |
11 [1910] Cover design ‘Antiker Faschingsumzug nach München’ (classical carnival procession to Munich), Vol. 15, Jugend, No. 5, p.97, of the Carnival Special, January 29. |
12 [1938] Foxtrott, page-wide drawing, Vol. 43, Jugend, No. 5, p.73, February 1. |
13 [1928] Der Pantoffel (the slipper), Vol. 33, Jugend, No. 8, p.117, February 18. |
14 [1897] Cover design ‘Die Jugend breitet ihr Kleid aus’ (Jugend extends her dress), Vol. 2, Jugend, No. 13, p.201, March 27. |
15 [1911] Carmagnole, full page with a poem by Karl Henckell, Vol. 16, Jugend, No. 42, p.1115, October 14. |
16 [1915] Marktschreier Viviani (mountebank Viviani), Vol. 20, Jugend, No. 2, p.36, back page, January 7. |
17 [1915] Torpedo-Boot im Bau (torpedo boat under construction), Vol. 20, Jugend, No. 1, p.7, full page of the New Year’s Day Special, the first in the Great War, January 1. |
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