Vol. 1. No. 1 . November 7, 1846. Wagner The Wehr-Wolf. George W. M. Reynolds. Wagner Ended in Vol. 2. No. 38. July 24, 1847.
Vol. 2. No. 30. May 29,1847. The Days Of Hogarth. George W. M. Reynolds. Ended Vol. 3. No. 77. April 22, 1848.
Vol. 3. No. 81. May 20, 1848. Queret Demary. An Episode of the Bastille. By Edwin F. Roberts. Author of “Athanane,” “The Count of Crisong,” etc., etc.
Vol. 4. No.81. January 26, 1850. The Bronze Statue; or, The Virgin’s Kiss. G. W. M. Reynolds. Dawn & Darkness; or, The Kaleidoscope of Life. Part II; Darkness. Edwin F. Roberts.
Vol. 4 No.82. February 2, 1850. The Mysteries of the People; or, The History of a Proletarian Family From The Earliest Age To The Present Time. Eugene Sue.
Vol. 4 No. 83. February 9, 1850. The Drunkard’s Progress. A Tale In Two Periods. Victor Melville.
Vol.4 No.91. April 6, 1850. The Slaves of England. G. W. M. Reynolds. Chapter VI.
Advertisement.- Gratis! Gratis! Gratis!
Now publishing in penny weekly numbers, beautifully illustrated, A New Romance Entitled
Jack Rann, alias, Sixteen String Jack by James Lendridge. Author of “DeLisle” “Tyburn Tree” &ct. Also the following works are always in print: - Paul Jones the Pirate by Pierce Egan. Jack Sheppard, complete in 27 Nos. Roderick Dhu, The Scottish Outlaw, by T. Archer, Esq. The Unknown Warrior; or, The Secret Band. London. G. Purkess, Compton Street, Soho.
Vol. 4. No. 97. May 18, 1850. The Bride of the Guillotine. Anonymous.
June 7, 1850. Advertisement.- Robin Hood and Little John; or, The Merry Men of Sherwood Forest. G. Pierce. 310 Strand.
Vol. 4. No. 103. June 29, 1850. The Castellan’s Daughter. G. W. M. Reynolds.
Vol. 5. No.107. July 25, 1870. The Greek Maiden; or, The Banquet of Blood. G. W. M. Reynolds.
Vol. 5 No. 108. August 3, 1850. The Squire’s Revenge; or, The Death of King John. Edwin F. Roberts.
Vol. 5. No. 109. August 10, 1850. Pope Joan; or, The Female Pontiff. G. W. M. Reynolds.
Vol. 5. No. 126. December 7, 1850. The Prophecy; or, The Lost Son. G. W. M. Reynolds.
Vol. 5. No. 132. January 18, 1851. Boddle Back The Bear-tamer. An American Tale.
Vol. 6. No. 133. January 25, 1851. Kenneth; A Romance of the Highlands. G. W. M. Reynolds.
Vol. 6. No. 146. April 19, 1851. The Overlooker. A Tale of the Factories in Six Chapters.
Vol. 6. No. 150. May 24, 1851. The Heroine of Bloomingdale. An American Tale. Anonymous. Gerald Carew: A Domestic Tale in Six Chapters. Edwin F. Roberts.
Advertisement.- Jenny Diver, The Female Highwayman. Penny Numbers Illustrated. London, S. Y. Collins. No. 113, Fleet Street.

Vol. 6. No. 155. June 21, 1851. Advertisements.- Fair Rosamund by Pierce Egan The Younger. Henry Barth. No. 4 Brydges Street, Strand. The Great Frost; or London in 1814. S. Y. Collins.
Vol. 6. No. 157. July 12, 1851. The Coiners; A Story of the Sessions in Six Chapters. Edwin F. Roberts.
Vol. 7. No. 160. August 2, 1851. The Tyrant’s Husband. An Old Man’s Story.
Vol. 7. No. 161. August 9, 1851. Nina Elhingham. A Love Tale.
Vol. 7. No. 166. September 13, 1851. Headless Jack, A Ghost Story.
Vol. 7. No. 169. October 3, 1851. The Rabbit On The Wall. By An American Lady. The Wreckers. A Story of the Coast. Edwin F. Roberts. Advertisement.- Adam Bell; or, The Archers of Inglewood Forest. Pierce Egan. G. Purkess.
Vol. 7. No. 171. October 17, 1851. The Last Visit; A Tale of the Red Indians.
Vol. 7. No. 174. November 7,1851. The Trials of Rose Templeton. Edwin F. Roberts.
Vol. 7. No. 181. December 27, 1851. The Necromancer: A Romance. G. W. M. Reynolds.
Vol. 7. No. 183. January 10, 1852. The Lapland Rat; or, The Loss of The Royal George. Edwin F. Roberts. The Three Christmas Trees. Edwin F. Roberts. Advertisement.- Black Mask; or, The Mysterious Robber. J. Frost., Esq., author of “Paul the Poacher.” G. Purkess. “Robert Bruce, The Patriot King of Scotland,” by Gabriel Alexander, the author of “Wallace, The Hero Of Scotland.“ John Dicks.
Vol. 8. No. 187. The Cotton-Spinners. A Tale of the Manchester Factories in Six Chapters. Edwin F. Roberts.

Vol. 8. No. 193. Onesta. A Venetian Tale.
Vol. 8. No. 203. May 24, 1852. The Young Highlander: A Love Tale. Madame de Chatelain.
Vol. 9 No. 212. July 31, 1852. The Massacre of Glencoe: A Historical Tale. G. W. M. Reynolds. Life at the French Galleys. Anonymous.
Vol. 9 No. 225. October 30, 1852. Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Negro Life In The Slave-States of America.
Vol.22, No.551. January 1, 1859. Will O’ The Wisp. A Story For Christmas. Malcolm J. Errym.
Vol.22, No.558. February 19, 1859. The Life Raft; A Tale Of The Sea. Malcolm J. Errym. Illustrated by Sargent and Bonner.
Vol.22, No. 562. The Divorce: A Story Of Fashionable Life. Lady Clara Cavendish. Author of “The Woman Of The World.”
Vol.22, No.570. Mary Stuart. Queen Of Scots. G. W. M. Reynolds.
Vol.22, No.576. The Incendiaries; or, The Haunted Manor. Malcolm J. Errym.
Vol.23, No.585. True Blue; or, Sharks Upon The Shore. A Tale Of The Sea. Malcolm J. Errym.
Vol.23, No.588. September 17, 1859. The Rose of the Mill. A College Man’s First Love. Marguerite Blount.
Vol.23, No. 589. September 24, 1859. The Fallen Star; A Domestic Tale. Lady Clara Cavendish.
Volume 23. No.594. October 29,1859. Country Sketches. Thomas Miller. Author of “Gideon Giles,” “Godfrey Malvern.”
Vol.23. No.596. November 12, 1859. The Tempter. Malcolm J. Errym.
Volume 23, No.602. December 24, 1859. Holly Bush Hall, A Tale For Christmas. Malcolm J. Errym. Illustrated by Frederick Gilbert. Also; Mary’s Adventures On Christmas Eve. Thomas Miller. F. Gilbert illustrator. Supplement : Holly Bush Hall; or, The Track in the Snow. Malcolm J. Errym. Christmas In The Country. Thomas Miller.
Some issues are missing here (one year?) and are taken up again with :
Vol.26, No.657. January 12, 1861. Chapter VII. Love The Leveller; or, Fenella’s Fortunes. A Story For Christmas. Malcolm J. Errym. Also; The Ruling Passion; or, Struggles And Triumphs. Edwina Burbury. Author of “Florence Sackville.”
Vol.26, No.659. Maid, Wife, And Widow. The Story Of Barbara Home. Margaret Blount.
Vol. 26,No.666. Advertisement for Edith The Captive.
Vol.26, No.669. Secret Service : A Tale Of The Sea. Malcolm J. Errym.
Vol.26, No.670. April 13, 1861. The Ace Of Spades. Edwin F. Roberts.
Vol.26, No.676. May 25, 1861. Lamia; or, The Dark House Of Drearwater. Margaret Blount.
Vol.26, No. 678. June 8,1861. The Court Page. Lady Clara Cavendish.
Vol.26, No. 688. August 16, 1861. Advertisement for The Dark Woman.
Vol.27, No. 695. October 5, 1861. The Young Fisherman; or, The Spirits of the Lake.
Vol.27, No. 696. October 12, 1861. Set In Gold. A Tale Of The Times. Margaret Blount.
Vol.27, No. 703. November 30, 1861. Once Wooed-Twice Won. A Story Of A Woman’s Heart. Margaret Blount.
Vol.27, No. 704. December 7, 1861. The “Peep-O’-Day Boy.” A Story of the “Ninety-Eight.” Captain Bernard Burke.
Vol.28, No. 707. December 28, 1861. The Dream Of Fate. Charles H. Ross.
Vol.28, No. 708. January 4, 1862. Zoe, The Octoroon; or, Life In Louisiana. Adapted from the Play by Dion Bourcicault.

Vol.28, No. 711. January 25, 1862. In Search Of A Wife. A Tale Of The Day. Charles H. Ross.
Vol.28, No. 720. March 29, 1862.George Barrington; or, Life In London one Hundred Years Ago. Malcolm J. Errym.
Vol.28, No. 722. April 12, 1862. The Strollers; or, Trials Through Life. Eliza Winstanley.
Vol.29, No.735. July 12, 1862. The Shingawn; or, Ailleen, The Rose Of Kilkenny. A Mystical Romance of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. Christopher Marlowe.
Vol.29, No.747. October 11, 1862. The Family Feud. Edwin F. Roberts.
Vol.29, No.749.October 18, 1862. Rupert The Fugitive; or, The Will Forger. Malcolm J. Errym.
Vol.29, No.752. November 8, 1862. Garibaldi : His Trials Through Life.
Vol.30, No.759. December 27, 1862. The Spirit Child’s Visit. A Story For Christmas. Anonymous.
Vol.30, No.760. January 8, 1863. May Dudley; or, The White Mask. Malcolm J. Errym.
Vol.30, No.767. February 21, 1863. The Orphans of Charnley. Margaret Blount.
Vol.30, No.776. May 9, 1863. Downe Reserve. Margaret Blount.
Vol. 30, No. 799, Saturday, October 3, 1863. Sea-Drift : or, The Smugglers of the Channel. Malcolm J. Errym.
“No, No, Tom - Stackpole Tom, I mean. Put Me Down. I think I can walk - I am sure I can walk- For Stackpole- Tom- I- I-”
“What, crying again ? Hoy ! cabin boy, a mop and a bucket !”
“I am a girl !”
Vol. 30, No. 800, Saturday, October 10, 1863. Advertisement.)- Given Away Gratis. The First Number Of A New Tale, Claude Duval, The Dashing Highwayman by Malcolm J. Errym with Number 801 of the Miscellany.

Vol. 30, No. 802, Saturday, October 24, 1863. Advertisement.)- Gratis ! Gratis ! Gratis ! Three Numbers Given Away. On Saturday October 24th, 1863, Will Be Published Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 of a New Sensational Tale of London Life. Rook The Robber. Notice Every Purchaser of No. 1, Price One Penny will Receive GRATIS Nos. 2, 3, and 4 Folded In An Illustrated Wrapper. The Work Will Be Complete In About Fifty Numbers, and Issued in Weekly Penny Numbers and Monthly Sixpenny Parts. J. Dicks.
Vol. 31, No. 809, Saturday, December 12, 1863. Old Westminster Bridge; Or, The Trail Of Sin . Henry Leslie.
Vol. 31, No. 810,December 19, 1863. A Marriage Mystery; or, The Lost Bride. Anonymous. By The Author of “Woman of the World.”
Vol. 32 No. 811, December 27, 1863. Hollow Ash Hall, A Story Of A Haunted House. Margaret Blount. Sea-Drift serial comes to an end.
January 16, 1864. Advertisement.)- Halfpenny Gazette No. 46. Ambrose Corbyn. A Tale of the Press Gang. And Rochester by J. F. Smith.
Vol. 32, No. 816. The White Gipsy; A Romance of the City and the Forest. Milton Deverell.
Vol. 32, No. 818. Advertisement.)- To purchasers of No. 819, Saturday, February 13. Gratis No. 1 of Kate Chudleigh; or, The Duchess of Kingston.
March 13, 1864. Article)- Kaspar Hauser (From The Book Of Days.)
Vol. 32 No. 829. April 30, 1864. William Shakspeare : The Youth, The Lover, and the Poet. A Romance of Three Hundred Years Ago. Vane Ireton St. John.
Vol. 32, No. 834. June 4, 1864. How The World Wags; or, The Love of a Whole Life. Henry Leslie.
Vol. 33, No. 839. July 9, 1864. The World’s Verdict. Vane Ireton St. John.
Volume 33, No. 851. 1864. The Marvel of Marwood. Wentworth Fitzwilliam.
Vol. 33, No. 858. November 19, 1864. The Lass of Richmond Hill. Vane Ireton St. John.
Vol. 34, No. 863. December 24, 1864. Our Christmas Number. Full cover illustration of a stagecoach crashing in the snow. The Golden Heart. A Domestic Story For Christmas by Malcolm J. Errym. Poem.)- Old Dog Tray by Wayward Willie. Ten panel cartoon spread over two pages titled “What Befel Jacob Greene, Esq., On Christmas Eve; or, The Perils of Carving a Goose.”
Vol. 34, No. 867. January 21, 1865. The Chamber of Death; or, The Fatal Love. Anonymous. The Golden Heart serial ends.
Vol. 34, No. 868. January 28, 1865. Myra; or, The Fate of a Family. Wentworth Fitzwilliam.
Volume 34. No. 876. March 25, 1865. Advertisement.)- New Tale of the Sea. We have much pleasure to announce that we shall commence, in the next NUMBER, the publication of a new tale entitled, THE BUCCANEERS; or, The Hidden Treasure. We believe that the scenes of stirring interest, the rapid succession of incidents, the bold outline of the plot, and the daring originality of the adventures which belong to this Tale, will render it one of the most attractive that have ever appeared in the Miscellany.
Volume 34. No. 876. March 25, 1865. Advertisement.)- Gratis ! Gratis ! Gratis ! Now Publishing, And To Be Continued Weekly in Halfpenny Numbers. The Startling Story of Edith The Captive; or, The Robbers of Epping Forest. Notice: No. 2 will be given away with No. 1. Two numbers in wrappers for one halfpenny.
Volume 34. No. 877. April 1, 1865. The Buccaneers; or, The Hidden Treasure. Anonymous.
Chapter one is titled; “Come Back From The Grave.”
“His name was Owen Redgrave. He wore a ragged coat, he had not a shilling in the wide world wherewith to bless himself, and yet he was one of the happiest men in the world. He stood beneath the leafy porch of his mother’s house, one calm summer night, and traced with tear-dimmed eyes the winding road in the valley before him, along which, scarce six hours ago, he had wearily dragged his blistered feet, faint-hearted and despairing- a homeless outcast.”
“He had led a wild life at home and abroad. He had been reckless, profligate, criminal. But that was all over now. He was going to begin life afresh.”
Vol. 34, No. 885. May 27, 1865.The Poisoned Necklace. By the author of “Love’s Frailties,” “Ruth Gray,” etc., etc.
Vol. 34, No. 890. July 1, 1865. The Robin Redbreasts. By the author of “Marvel of Marwood. End of serial, “The Buccaneers.”
Vol. 35. October 14, 1865. The King’s Highway. A Romance Of The Road 100 Years Ago. Anonymous. By The Author of “The Buccaneers.” ( Tale concerns Highwayman Paul Clifford. )
Volume 35, No. 908. Rip Van Winkle. Anonymous.
Vol. 35, No. 912. L’Africaine; or, A Slave’s Devotion. By The Author of “The Poisoned Necklace.” ( A Romance of Vasco de Gama, featuring pirates and Indian princesses.)
Vol. 36, No. 915. December 23, 1865. Holly Dale Hollow : A Christmas Story of Country Life. Anonymous.
Vol. 36, No. 919. January 20, 1866. Purer Than Gold. Vane Ireton St. John. Author of “The Lass of Richmond Hill.”
Vol. 36, No. 924. February 24, 1866. End of serial “The Kings Highway.”
Vol. 36, No. 925. March 3, 1866. Born Bad ; or, The Countess and the Convict. By the author of “A Runaway Match,” “Rip Van Winkle,” etc.
Vol. 36, No. 926. March 10, 1866. The Maid of the Inn. Margaret Blount.
Vol. 36, No. 927. March 17, 1866. Advertisement.)- Edith Heron. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Published This Day.
Vol. 36, No. 928. March 24, 1866. Halfpenny Weekly. Number 2 Given Away With Number 1. The Dark Woman; or, The Life And Adventures of Sixteen-string Jack.
Vol. 36, No. 931. April 14, 1866. The Dove and the Eagle. Henry Leslie. (This story is already dramatized and licensed.)
Vol. 37, No. 941. June 23, 1866. A White face and a Black Mask. Anonymous. By the author of “The Buccaneers,” The Kings Highway.”
Vol. 37, No. 957. October 18, 1866. The Factory Strike. Anonymous. By the author of “The Poisoned Necklace.”
Vol. 37, No. 958. October 20, 1866. The Phantom Inn. A Tale of the Black Country. Hamlyn Smith.
Vol. 37, No. 962. November 17, 1866. A London Mystery. Anonymous. By the author of “The Kings Highway.”
Vol. 38, No. 967. December 22, 1866. The Haunted Dell, A Story For Christmas. By the author of “The Poisoned Necklace.”
Vol. 38, No. 970. January 12, 1867. Mariola; or, A Master For Life. Hamlyn Smith.
Vol. 38, No. 972. January 26, 1867. The Queen of the Caravan; or, Before and Behind The Curtain. By the author of “The Mountebank.” ( Frederick Gilbert illustration is entitled; “The Dying Clown Confronted by his Enemy.)
Vol. 38, No. 981. March 30, 1867. Conclusion of serial “A London Mystery.”
Vol. 38, No. 982. April 6, 1867. Strange, If True - Stranger, If False. By the author of “The Queen of the Caravan.” Also in a secondary serial in Vol. 38, No. 982. April 6, 1867; The King’s Terror. Hamlyn Smith.
Vol. 38, No. 988. May 18, 1867. The Clock-Chamber. Anonymous. By the author of “A London Mystery,” “The Wedding Peal.”
Vol. 39, No. 993, 1867. The Red Doctor. Leopold Wray. Secondary serial ; The Golden Pilot; or, The Murder in Pendril Hollow.
Vol. 39, No. 1007, September 8,1867. The White Secret. Hamlyn Smith.
Vol. 39, No. 1013, 1867. Born To Be Drowned. Hamlyn Smith.
Vol. 40, No.1019. December 21, 1867. Bromsgrove-Manor House. A Story For Christmas. By the author of “The Haunted Dell,” “The Poisoned Necklace.”
Vol.40, No. 1020. The Veiled Heart. Hamlyn Smith.
Vol. 40, No.1021. January 4, 1868. The Fly In The Golden Web. By the author of “Robin Redbreast.”
Vol.40, No.1026. Guidella; or, The Daughter Of Evil. Hamlyn Smith.
Vol.40, No.1027. The Colonel’s Daughter. A Tale of the Times. Anonymous.
Vol.40, No.1031. April 4, 1868. Black Daryl. Bernard Francis Sheil.
Vol.40, No.1032. Ruined Forever; or, The World Against The Favourite. Hamlyn Smith.
Vol. 40, No.1041. The Queen’s Diamonds. A Story Of Old Whitehall. Hamlyn Smith.
Vol.40, No.1042. May 30, 1868. The Half-Sisters; or, The Unfinished Sentence. Anonymous.

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