William Henry Gander (1898-1966), a news-agent in Transcona, Manitoba, (born in England), published The Story Paper Collector, Vol. 1 No. 1, for Jan-Mar 1941. No. 1 was reprinted in Mar 1943 in an edition of 104 copies. “I must here express gratitude to Ralph Cummings “Dime Novel Round-Up,” and the now-suspended “Collector's Miscellany,” long published in England by Joseph Parks, for the inspiration necessary to attempt this modest endeavor.” He died 4 August 1966.
Following are the first two issues (John Medcraft was a later contributor) courtesy of collector Bill Blackbeard as typed up by Dave Couch for the Bloods & Dimes group. Bill Gander was also part of the Collector's Digest and his portrait appeared on the cover of the Xmas 1955 Annual drawn by Bob Whiter. A (poor) color photo of the cover appears at the bottom of this post.
Another useful group is CB&M for collectors of Children's books, story papers and magazines.

The Story Paper Collector
Printed and issued occasionally by Wm. H. Gander, P. O. Box 60,
Transcona, Manitoba, Canada.
No. 1. JANUARY-MARCH, 1941 Vol. 1.
By W. H. G.
One of the longest lived and most popular of the boys' story
papers published in Great Britain during the period in which it
flourished was the "Boys' Friend." From the first number to the
last (Jan. 29, 1895 until Dec. 31, 1927) it was issued in the
same size -- about 14 1/2 x 11 inches -- and on the same
familiar green paper, with the exception of a change for a few
weeks to yellow paper in 1899, during the excitement of the
early days of the war in South Africa.
No. 1 was a "double number" of 16 pages at the same price as the
8-page numbers that followed: one halfpenny (1c.) This issue
contained about the same quota of serials and completes as is
found in succeeding issues, the extra space being filled with
articles and news items, plus a full page of "What the Editor
has to say," which included a portrait of the Editor. Later we
learn this gentleman relinquished control of the paper before it
actually commenced publication, and that another gentleman whose
name was still later revealed to be Hamilton Edwards had charge
of the paper from the first number.
Among the articles in No. 1 was a denunciation of the "penny
dreadful" --but I am told that some of Mr. Edwards' writers also
contributed to those same penny dreadfuls; maybe their writings
became purified when Mr. Edwards used them. In addition to
editing his papers, he also wrote serials for some of them -- he
eventually controlled a large group of papers, not only for
boys, but also for girls and grown-ups too.
No. 47 was the first Christmas Double Number, the first of a
long line of them. Among the contributors during the first year
were Reginald Wray and Henry St. John, both of whom wrote for
Mr. Edwards for many years. Mr. St. John was known in other
literary spheres as Henry St. John Cooper, I believe.
The paper continued on what appears to have been an uneventful
career, apparently growing in popularity. Then came the war in
South Africa, and beginning with No. 250, Nov. 4, 1899, there
commenced a series of "war numbers," some on yellow paper, some
double numbers. After a few months this war fever subsided and
the "B.F." resumed a more normal appearance.

During the halfpenny series several other authors who
contributed to the "B.F." for many years made their appearance;
among them Sidney Drew, Henry T. Johnson, and A. S. Hardy.
"Nelson Lee," popular for many years as a detective rivalling
"Sexton Blake," appeared during this period.
The last of the halfpenny series was No. 332, June 8th, 1901.
With the next week's issue a new series was started, 16 pages,
selling at one penny (2c.). The old series numbering was
continued, along with the new, during the first year -- the only
instance that has come to my notice of this being done among the
British boys story papers of that period.
No. 41, new series, March 22, 1902, was the Oxford and Cambridge
Boat-race Number, and was printed in blue ink -- probably the
only time this was done.
Judging by the amount of advertising carried the paper
flourished mightily during the next ten years. For some time
double numbers carried colored covers, but after about four
years these were dropped, not to return until 1915. In 1902
another paper, "Boys' Realm," on pink paper, was started, and in
1903 the "Boys' Herald," on white paper, appeared -- all under
the same control. While very similar to the "B. F.," the "Realm"
later specialized in sport, and the "Herald" in hobbies.
Mr. Edwards came to be an important personage in the publishing
company, the Amalgamated Press Ltd., and was made a director.
About 1912 he seems to have relinquished personal control of his
papers, which were divided between other editors. The "B. F."
carried on with little change in appearance, but no longer
travelled in company with the "Herald" -- which was suspended in
that year -- and the "Realm." A little later a recent arrival,
"Dreadnought," joined up as running mate. It was absorbed in
By 1914 the paper seems to be not doing so well. No Christmas
double number appeared. In February, 1915, control passed into
the hands of Mr. H. A. Hinton, who had been very successful with
the "Magnet," the "Gem," and the "Penny Popular." In No. 715,
Feb. 20, was published the first of the very popular series of
"Rookwood" school stories, which ran for eleven years. Then
followed four "bumper" numbers, enlarged, with colored covers.
This must have been one of the biggest "booms" put on for any
boys' paper. And it must have been a success, for the good old
"B.F." flourished anew for many years more, though now with a
slightly changed make-up, and stories that appear a little more
In January of 1916 the 21st Anniversary Number was issued with a
colored cover; it contained messages from various notable
persons, including Hamilton Edwards. War conditions caused a
reduction to twelve pages in March, 1916. The Christmas issue
for that year was the last with a colored cover. In January 1918
a further cut left only eight pages; in March the price was
raised to three-halfpence (3c). Popular authors during this
period were "Owen Conquest," "Duncan Storm" and "Maurice
Everard," all of whom contributed many serials and series
between 1915 and 1925.
Came the end of hostilities, and in June of 1919 the pages were
increased to twelve, the price still three-halfpence. No. 973,
Jan. 31st, 1920, was the 25th Birthday Number, and contained the
first instalment of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's sporting story,
"Rodney Stone". The 1000th No. of the new series was dated
August 7th, 1920, but was not celebrated particularly beyond
editorial comment.
Late in 1922 the pages were increased to sixteen, the pre-war
size, the price raised to twopence. Until this time the paper
again seems to have been very popular. At times a lot of
advertisements were carried, so that two issues just before
Christmas, 1921, were increased in size by four pages to
accomodate all of them. The Christmas Number for that year also
consisted of sixteen pages; this was the last increased page
special number issued.
Mr. Hinton left the Amalgamated Press in 1921, I believe, but
the style of the paper, and that of its companions, "Magnet,"
"Gem" and "Popular" did not change. In January, 1923, stories by
the now world-famous P. G. Wodehouse began to appear.
But in 1922 an event occurred which was no doubt a contributing
factor to the decline of not only the "Boys' Friend" but also of
the "Boys' Realm," which, suspended in 1916, was revived in 1919
in the same form. This was the launching by the same publishers
of the "Champion," a paper with smaller pages than the "B.F.,"
and which had a colored front page on every issue. Other papers
of similar attractive appearance followed.
The good old "Green 'un" carried on for several years, but
looking at the copies for this period it can be seen that all
was not well. In 1925 the columns, which from the start had
numbered five to the page, were changed to four. Then, after No.
1298, April 24, '26, drastic changes were made. Stories by Owen
Conquest, Maurice Everard and Duncan Storm were no longer
The paper was "reconstructed to suit the modern boy." Size of
page and color were the same, but there were now three wide
columns to the page, volume numbering and the words "New Series"
were dropped, and the pages were numbered 1 to 16 in each issue,
instead of being carried on through the volume. At this time,
for some reason, the apostrophe in "Boys'" was changed from
after the "s" to before it; the paper was now the "Boy's
But this attempt to revive the old paper was not a success; by
the end of 1926 the columns were again four to the page, and
reprint stories and pages of comics were being used. No. 1384,
December 24, 1927, was the last Christmas Number -- the 33rd. In
the previous week's issue the Editor, in boosting a "war" story
just starting, made reference to the stories run in the paper
many years before, predicting the war of 1914-18. Before this
time the pages of comics had been dropped.
When the faithful who had stayed with their favorite paper thus
far opened their copies for the week after Christmas -- No.
1385, December 31st, 1927, they learned that in future the paper
would be incorporated with that "really live" boys' weekly, the
"Triumph." After a few weeks "Boy's Friend" appeared no more on
the cover of "Triumph" and the old paper was now just a memory.
In all a total of 1717 issues were published. During one week in
almost 33 years the paper failed to appear; this was in 1926, at
the time of the general strike.
It is interesting to note that the "Boys' Realm" was changed to
small pages in 1927, and survived the change by only about a
year, while the "Girls' Friend," a similar style of paper
published by the same company since the late '90's, went through
the same change and suffered the same fate not long after.
Twice since then the Amalgamated Press has tried to revive the
large-size page story paper. Late in 1934 there appeared "Boys
Broadcast," which ran to only 13 or so numbers before being
changed to smaller page-size. In 1938 "Modern Boy," a very
popular paper started in 1928, was changed to the large size.
The new series began with a big "splash," but lasted less than
six months before reverting to smaller pages.
The day of the large-page "journal" type of story paper seems to
be definitely past, and is not likely to return. But looking
through my volumes and loose numbers of the "Boys" Friend," in
my opinion an outstanding boys' paper of a past era, I get a
thrill that I fear will not be felt thirty years hence by
present-day boys when they peruse hoarded copies of their own
favorite papers -- or so-called "comic" magazines.
War Savings Stamps
And Help Win The
These Stamps make inter-
esting Souvenirs for any-
one outside Canada. Send
25c (face value) for each
one you'd like. Include
addressed envelope and 3c
stamp. Don't stick stamp
on envelope. -- Send to
Wm. H. Gander,
Transcona, Man., Canada.
A weekly periodical, published in London,
featuring pictures and articles on the War
New, recent issues supplied at the price of, each, 10c
(plus postage 1c)
P O. Box 60, Transcona, Manitoba, Canada
* The oldest boys' weekly still published in Britain is
"Adventure," the 1000th issue being dated December 28, 1940. The
next oldest is "Champion," the 1000th number of which is due
March 29.
* Casualties among British boys' papers have been heavy since
the war started. In order of suspension the following have been
stopped:-- "Modern Boy," "Gem," "Magnet," "Boys' Cinema,"
"Thriller," "Triumph," "Detective Weekly" (which replaced "Union
Jack" in 1933), and "Skipper." This leaves but five boys' papers
still being published in Britain.
We have a very large stock of back numbers of all the
"Science Fiction" Magazines -- and "Railroad Maga-
zines" -- and all other kinds. Let us know your needs.
The School Book Shop
530 Ellice Avenue
Winnipeg, Canada
Introducing : : :
The first issue of any publication, however modest, seems to
call for some excuse for its appearance. But I do not propose to
offer any excuse. Having the equipment and ability, a legacy
from the days when I was a printer (and provided the energy is
available) it appears to me a pleasant task to produce a little
paper devoted to the collection of the British boys' papers of
the past forty years.
Having spent my early years in England it is natural that I am
still mainly interested in the British papers, especially the
"Boys' Friend" and the "Magnet Library." But I fully understand
how my American contemporaries regard the "novels" of their own
I must here express gratitude to Ralph Cummings' "Dime Novel
Round-Up," and the now-suspended "Collector's Miscellany,"
long published in England by Joseph Parks, for the inspiration
necessary to attempt this modest endeavor.
How many more issues there will be, how frequently they will
appear, remains to be seen.--
W. H. G.
British Story Papers --
-- also "Comics" -- "Comic Cuts & Chips," "Beano,"
"Bubbles," "Film Fun," "Knockout"
Price, each . . . . 5c
(New copies, recent issues) (plus postage 1c.)
P. O. Box 60, Transcona, Manitoba, Canada
BETWEEN Nos. 1 AND 1400
"BOYS' FRIEND" [New Series]
1 & 838, AND BETWEEN 1120 & 1378
* This is the large page, green paper, story week-
ly, not the small page "Boys Friend Library"
Wm. H. Gander
P. O. Box 60, Transcona, Manitoba, Canada

Story Paper Collector
Printed and issued occasionally by Wm. H. Gander, P. O. Box 60,
Transcona, Manitoba, Canada.
No. 2. APRIL-JUNE, Vol. 1.
This poetical appreciation from a youthful supporter of the
popular "Magnet" Library appeared in No. 249 of that paper,
dated November 16th, 1912. Such enthusiasm among the readers
accounts for the very long runs enjoyed by both the "Magnet" and
"Gem" Libraries.
You ask me why I never find
The labour of the day tires;
Because, good friend, my youthful mind
Is with the chums at Greyfriars.
I love St. Jim's, so full of glee,
I revel in Tom Merry;
But all the same I'd rather be
With Wharton and Bob Cherry.
I've great regard for Johnny Bull,
Mark Linley and Frank Nugent,
They take me back to my old school --
Frank Richards, you're a true gent! --
Oh, that your Greyfriars really was!
Then Harrow School and Eton
Would bow their lordly heads, because
By Greyfriars they'd be beaten.
For me, each single working day
Is fraught with one or two fights;
Not physically, I may say,
Like those of the Removites,
But battles which I often fear
Are awkward to contend with;
I then recall the words of cheer
Frank Richards' stories end with.
Dear Editor, if you but knew
The thoughts of each supporter,
And how your book thrills through and through
The globe in every quarter!
'Tis read by many a boy and man
On train-rides, trips and tramways;
And I'll support it all I can
As sure as my name's Samways!
The "Magnet" and The "Gem" Libraries
By W. H. G.
Of all the weekly story papers for boys that were being
published in Great Britain at the time of the outbreak of war in
1914 -- the Amalgamated Press alone had not less than ten --
only two were still being issued when World War No. 2 broke upon
us in 1939. (This does not take into account the "Scout" which
is in a class by itself.)
These were the "Gem" and the "Magnet" Libraries, which paced
along week by week with identical serial numbers from No. 1,
February 15th, 1908, until the last issue of the "Gem," No.
1663, dated December 30th, 1939. The "Magnet" survived until the
acute paper shortage in the spring of 1940 brought about its
suspension with No. 1683, dated May 18th.
Actually, although the two papers carried the same number each
week, the "Gem" was the older of the two, and enjoyed a slightly
longer run. The first number of an earlier series was dated
March 16th, 1907, and for a while the paper featured adventure
stories. The first one was titled "Scuttled!" But soon a series
of school stories was started, dealing at first with "Clavering
School." After a few weeks "St. Jim's" became the locale of the
stories, the important characters being transferred to the new
school. Yarns of St. Jim's (or, to use the correct name, St.
James' Collegiate School) had appeared previously in "Pluck"
Library, in 1906. These were by Charles Hamilton, whose writings
were still appearing in Amalgamated Press boys' papers within
the past two years. It has been suggested that he and Martin
Clifford, under whose name the stories in the "Gem" were
printed, were the same person.
From the time that the school stories started there was no
looking back -- the "Gem" had one in every issue for thirty-two
The first series sold at one halfpenny, and proved sufficiently
popular that after a little less than a year the price was
raised to a penny -- 2c --and the pages increased from 16 and
cover to 28 and cover. With this change a new series was
started, the first issue, as already stated, carrying the date
of February 15th, 1908. The same week a new "companion paper"
was started at a halfpenny. This was the "Magnet" Library, which
from the first featured stories of "Greyfriars School," which is
imagined to be in the county of Kent, near the village of
Friardale, and not far from the sea shore. St. Jim's is placed
in Sussex, near the village of Rylcombe.
The "Gem" in those days had "baby blue" cover pages and the
"Magnet" covers usually referred to as red, though, compared
with a crepe paper sample card, it appears to be apricot.
The title of the complete story in No. 1 of the "Magnet" was
"The Making of Harry Wharton." It dealt with the sending away to
school of a very spoilt, self-willed boy, an orphan, who has
been raised by a doting elderly maiden aunt. The boy's uncle and
guardian, Col. James Wharton, had come home from army duties to
find that the boy had got entirely out of control. Thinking that
to bring out the good in the lad it would be best to get him
away from home surroundings, the Colonel decides to send Harry
to his own old school, Greyfriars. The boy does not want to go,
but is compelled to, and the first few stories deal with the way
he is "tamed down" and his true fine character is brought to
Harry showed himself to be a "born leader" and eventually became
"head boy" of his class, the Remove, or Lower Fourth. Through
the years he was a leading figure in no less than 1683 stories
of Greyfriars that appeared in the "Magnet," plus other stories
in the "Penny Popular," in "Chuckles," and in the "Boys' Friend
His closest chums were Frank Nugent, already at Greyfriars when
Harry arrived, Bob Cherry, Hurree Jamset Ram Singh, from India
and popularly known as "Inky," and Johnny Bull. They formed a
group known as the "Famous Five."
So popular did the "Gem" and "Magnet" stories become that many
of them were reprinted later in other papers, including the
"Penny Popular," -- later the "Popular" -- the "Dreadnought,"
the "Triumph," the "Schoolboys' Own Library," and also in the
"Holiday Annual," which has been issued every year since 1920.
Two years passed after the starting of the "Magnet" and the time
was then considered right for another "companion paper." And so
was commenced the "Empire" Library. It had a pink cover, and No.
1 was dated February 19th, 1910. Commencing with No. 106, same
date, the "Magnet" was increased to 28 pages, the price being
raised to one penny; it was now the same size and price as the
"Gem," the new paper having 16 pages and cover for a halfpenny.
The "Empire" featured stories of Rylcombe Grammar School,
supposed to be located near St. Jim's. The leading characters
were Gordon Gay, Frank Monk, and Wootton Major and Minor. They
also appeared at times in the "Gem" stories and less frequently
in the "Magnet." The stories in the new paper were by Prosper
This new venture was not a success; soon the school stories were
replaced by tales of business life. After about six months the
paper was changed to "Boys' Friend" size pages, eight of them,
with a program of short stories and serials. And after less than
another year it was discontinued.
The "Gem" and the "Magnet," however, continued succesfully, and
they were both issued until as recently as 1939 and 1940,
respectively. Even then it took a World War to stop them.
We have now got to the point where the two papers were well
established. Little real change was made in either through the
years. About the only difference between a copy dated, say,
1912, and one issued twenty-five years later is the difference
in style of type and make-up. The front page shows changes on
just a few occasions. Consistently through the years the program
has included one long school story, plus one or two short
stories or features, or a serial -- a program that appealed to a
large number of boys -- and girls -- all over the world.
The outbreak of war in 1914 brought to the "Magnet" a war
serial, "A World at Stake," by W. B. Home-Gall, starting in No.
343, September 5th. In the "Gem" at the time there was running
"A Bid for a Throne," a Tale of Adventure and International
Intrigue, by Clive R. Fenn. This soon became -- in No. 344 -- a
"Thrilling War Story," with war action being introduced. After
about six months war serials were dropped, but the schoolboys
had their weekly adventures amidst war-time conditions.
A feature of some of the holiday double numbers in 1914-15 were
supplements in the form of a copy of the "Greyfriars Herald" or
"Tom Merry's Weekly" the little journals supposed to have been
published by the boys of Greyfriars and St. Jim's respectively.
The "Greyfriars Herald" has appeared in different forms several
times through the years. It was issued as a separate paper late
in 1915, but only ran about four months; the paper shortage
caused its suspension. It was revived in 1919, ran for a year or
two, and was then changed to "Boys' Herald," the "Greyfriars
Herald" being included in the "Magnet" as a weekly supplement.
As such it has since run through three "series" at different
No. 396 of the "Magnet," September 11th, 1915, was the last
issue with the "red" cover. The "Gem" dropped its blue cover
after No. 436, June 17, 1916. For more than twenty years both
papers appeared with cover pages of white paper.
Somewhen before the outbreak of the war the two papers, together
with another companion paper started in 1912, "Penny Popular,"
had been placed under the editorial control of Mr. H. A. Hinton,
who was mentioned in our first issue in connection with the
"Boys' Friend." He continued in control, except for the period
he was in the army, until 1921. Only during the years covered by
his occupation of the editorial chair were readers permitted to
learn the name of the Editor through the columns of the papers.
The growing paper shortage caused a reduction in pages to 20 and
cover in 1916, and to 16 including cover early in the next year,
while in 1918 the price was raised to three-halfpence (3c.).
After the war ended the pages were increased to 20; in 1922
there was another increase to 28, this time the price being
raised to twopence, with the front page printed in two colors
instead of one.
For many years after this there is little to record. Both papers
missed one week's issue during the general strike in 1926. The
1000th numbers of both were published April 2nd, 1927.
Starting with "Gem" No. 1221, July 11th, 1931, the stories from
the earliest "Gems" were reprinted, with Tom Merry arriving at
Clavering as a new boy, and then going to St. Jim's.
From 1936 to 1938 the Greyfriars tales from the earliest
"Magnets" were reprinted in the "Gem."
Late in 1937 changes were made in the appearance of both papers.
The "Magnet" adopted a cover of colored paper with No. 1553,
November 20th; this a sort of peach shade, printed in blue. The
change in the "Gem" was more drastic. The pages were smaller,
and increased to 36, the cover becoming buff, printed in blue.
This change took effect with No. 1557, December 18th.
Commencing with No. 1625, April 8th, 1939, the stories in the
"Gem" are again original, being described as "new."
The outbreak of war in September, 1939, was followed in a few
weeks with warnings in both the papers to "order your copy in
advance to avoid disappointment," and soon the adventures of Tom
Merry & Co. and Harry Wharton & Co. were again amidst war
War proved to be disastrous to boys papers, as to many others,
and No. 1663 of the "Gem," dated December 30th, 1939, carried
the announcement that commencing the next week the paper would
be combined with the "Triumph." In this paper there appeared
from then on abbreviated reprints of early "Gem" stories. The
"Triumph" was itself suspended the following May.
The "Magnet" carried on by itself, the other weekly companion
paper of recent years, "Modern Boy," having suspended
publication with the issue dated October 14th, 1939.
The issue of the "Magnet" No. 1683, May 18th, 1940, had
editorial comment to the effect that, although the paper now had
fewer pages it would still continue to appear regularly; the
fact was mentioned that during the last war the paper was even
smaller, but lost none of its popularity, and predicted that it
wouldn't do so this time.
But, sad to say, it didn't have the chance to prove it. That
number was the last one issued, due to the sudden shortage of
paper, even though the next week's story, "The Battle of the
Beaks," was announced -- "Beaks" meaning, of course,
* * *
That about brings the history of these two old favorites down to
date. Lots could be written about the various characters in the
stories, about the artists and authors, about the different
supplementary features that have come and gone. Perhaps these
subjects will be dealt with in a future number.
* * *
The "Gem" and the "Magnet" and their several "companion papers"
make an interesting field for the collector, though the most
likely place for coming in contact with them -- Great Britain --
is now about closed to us on this side of the Atlantic.
Collectors over there have other things to occupy their time.
Those of us who have a soft spot in our hearts for these papers
have an additional reason to look forward to the time when peace
returns once more -- the hope that both will be revived to amuse
and interest the young people and bring back pleasant memories
to those of us who are not so young any longer.
Serials by Sidney Drew, a very popular boys' writer of the time,
were featured in the "Magnet" during its earlier years. The
following "awful curse on Ching-Lung" is from the instalment of
"Twice Around the Globe" in "Magnet" No. 261, Feb. 8, 1913 :-
"May his whiskers turn blue,
And his oiebrows red!
May he niver sphake afther
The moment he's dead!
May he niver grow corrns
On the ind of his nose,
Or git dhrissed in the mornin'
Widout wearin' clothes!
May food be his grub
And liquors his dhrink!
Av he dhrops overboard,
And can't swim, may he sink!
When he turrns up his toes,
Lit us have the bells rung,
And bury the blayguard
Who's known as Ching-Lung!"
One does not need the explanation that it was only Barry O'Rooney who
could thus handsomely "curse" Prince Ching-Lung!
In the stories of St. Jim's in the "Gem" Tom Merry and his
friends Monty Lowther and Harry Manners usually play a leading
part, with Jack Blake, George Herries, Robert Digby and Arthur
Augustus D'Arcy having slightly less important roles. 'Twas not
ever so, as the following quotation from the "St. Jim's Who's
Who" in the 1923 "Greyfriars Holiday Annual" shows:
"BLAKE, JOHN -- . . . If Jack were given his due, he would be
in Tom Merry's place. Mr. Martin Clifford's first yarn opened
with 'Jack Blake at St. Jim's,' and for well over a year Jack
continued as the central character of St. Jim's. . . "
No doubt the stories with Jack Blake as the leading character
were those that appeared in the old "Pluck" Library in 1906, "by
Charles Hamilton." Tom Merry was the central character from the
first in the "Gem" stories.
A weekly periodical, published in London,
featuring pictures and articles on the War
New, recent issues supplied at the price of, each, 10c
(plus postage 1c)
One set only of Nos. 1 to 70, new copies, postage paid,
(If interested in this offer, write first -- just one set available)
P O. Box 60, Transcona, Manitoba, Canada
We have a very large stock of back numbers of all the
"Science Fiction" Magazines -- and "Railroad Maga-
zines" -- and all other kinds. Let us know your needs.
The School Book Shop
530 Ellice Avenue
Winnipeg, Canada
News came from London re-
cently of the death of Barry
Ono, Music Hall artist, in every-
day life Ex-Councillor Fred Har-
rison of Camberwell, London,
at one time proprietor of six
book shops in London.
Mr. Ono left his vast collec-
tion of "Penny Dreadfuls" of the
nineteenth century to the
British Museum.
As a boy at the age of 12, he
used to bind his "Boys' Stan-
dards" and "Sweeny Todds" in
brown paper covered volumes of
twelve numbers, and rent them
out at a penny a week. Then
he sold that early collection for
four pounds ($20.00), and did
not become active again until
about 1912.
The rooms of Mr. Ono's house
in Clapham were stacked with
luridly illustrated tales of pirates,
highwaymen and Red Indians.
When the blitz began last year
he shipped his collection to the
(All in half-leather bindings)
Volumes 2-3, 1850.
Bound in one volume.
(Cover slightly damaged)
Volumes 4-5,1851.
Bound in one volume.
Each . . . $1.00
Volume XCI, Jan.-June, 1862.
Price . . $1.00
Volume 24, 1844.
Volume 35, 1855.
The two for . . $1.00
PLUS 20c. each for Postage
Transcona, Manitoba, Canada
(Reprinted from "Vanity Fair," No. 18, January, 1926)
A literary feast and a great period of boys' publications. . .
What fine penny and halfpenny papers they were, too; 16 to 32
pages in each, good paper, clear large type, all for the benefit
of the boys of 20 years ago. (Note: this article was written in
These great journals, in their way, were equal if not superior
to the old time "Boy's Standard" and others of fifty years back.
Clean, healthy and thrilling serials and complete stories, with
characters and interest alive from start to finish; pithy short
complete articles on all sports, hobbies and pastimes; how to do
this and that, how to become proficient and expert in the many
occupations of life. . . .
"Big Budget," "Boys' Leader," "Boys Herald," "Boys' Friend" and
"Boys' Realm"; "Empire," "Marvel," "Pluck," and "Union Jack"
Libraries; "Boys of the Empire," "Surprise," "Nuggets," and many
others. (Including "Gem" and "Magnet." -- W.H.G.)
Who can deny the superb writing qualities of authors like David
Goodwin, Sydney Drew, Hamilton Edwards, Henry Farmer, Henry St.
John, Maxwell Scott, T. C. Bridges, John Tregellis, and others?
Also the artists who introduced their readers to such famous
funniosities as Airy Alf, Happy Ike, Gloomy Gus, Cokee Bill, and
Last, but not least, our immortal friends Weary Willie and Tired
Tim of "Chips."
Look at some of the great serials . . Rajah Dick, Val the Boy
Acrobat, Trapper Dan, . . Wings of Gold, An Eye for an Eye,
The Missing Heir, The Silver Dwarf, Guy Prescott's Trust,
Gilbert Nameless, and the fine Boys of St. Basil's series by
Henry St. John. Also we must not pass over S. Clarke Hook's
famous trio Jack, Sam and Pete -- not omitting Algy and the dog
The Aldine "Dick Turpin Library" -- Nos. 1 to 182 -- were a
glorious set . . The escapes and adventures of Dick,
Blueskin, Tom King & Co., against the Bow Street Runners, were
thrilling, with Beetles and Peters supplying the humorous items.
: : NOTES : :
The article on page 18, "Periodicals of 1900-12," taken from
"Vanity Fair," deals, as may be gathered, with boys' papers
published in England during that period. "Vanity Fair" was a
little amateur magazine published by Joseph Parks, of Saltburn-
by-the-Sea, Yorkshire, England, from about 1917 until 1927. In
1928 it was replaced by "Collector's Miscellany." Both magazines
dealt very largely with various phases of collecting.
* * *
I must say "Thanks!" for the letters of appreciation that have
come from some who received a copy of No. 1 of "S.P.C." It's
good to know one's efforts, even though modest, are appreciated.
To the one or two who inquired: There are no subscription rates.
Producing the little magazine is a "labor of love," and grows
out of my interest in the old British weeklies, and also partly
from the hope that through it I may be able to contact other
collectors who have copies to spare that I need. So no
subscriptions are invited or expected.
Besides, if there were subs., there would have to be a regular
publishing schedule, and that would make it a less pleasant
* * *
It's amazing! I mean the way the British publishers are able to
produce some boys' papers still, in spite of being right in the
front line. Shortage of paper and rising costs make an advance
in price almost certain. Nearly all other weekly story papers
are now dearer.--W.H.G.
-- "ROVER" -- "ADVENTURE" --
Price, each . . . . 7c
(New copies, recent issues) (Postage Paid)
P. O. Box 60, Transcona, Manitoba, Canada
BETWEEN Nos. 1 AND 1400
"BOYS' FRIEND" [New Series]
1 & 838, AND BETWEEN 1120 & 1378
* This is the large page, green paper, story week-
ly, not the small page "Boys Friend Library"
(See Overleaf)
Wm. H. Gander
P. O. Box 60, Transcona, Manitoba, Canada

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