I make my bow to the Moon. I saw her in the full and over my left shoulder. Great, therefore, shall be my luck this month. Frankly, I am delighted that we are going to have a comic paper of our own. Life is such a biting, sneering little rat of a paper at all things concerning our British Empire, our flag, ourselves, that I am glad to see we are starting a "comic" of our own, and as the Moon is so very far above Life, she can see all the joke of it, the folly, the satire, the melodrama of the little anthill called earth. Again, my bow to you, O Moon, also one small subscription, for, to tell the truth I am a trifle afraid of you. The paper is a capital one and spares nobody - while it is genial in its satire. All the same, I tell you a snowball from the Moon is calculated to give us a shock now and then. Did you see the Magnates on the first page? If not, why not?
-- Kit. (Review in the Mail and Empire newspaper.)
Chic cartoon from “The Moon,” [Toronto: Moon Publishing Co. v.1-3 [no. 1-54] May 28, 1902 - July 18, 1903] a magazine which boasted the best Canadian cartoonists and illustrators of the period. “Chic” hid the identity of Arthur G. Racey -- a Quebec born cartoonist from the good side of the tracks who had an international reputation. His works were reprinted in Life, the [English] Review of Reviews, Le Monde Illustre, and even the venerable Punch. His home base for many years was the Montreal Star and he was heavily influenced by Opper and Frost. His cartoons were very popular in Japan. Biography HERE.
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