Ever since the rediscovery of George Herriman's whimsical masterpiece it has been the dream of fans and publishers alike to have the komplete works in print and forever on sale. There have been starts and stops and the work continues. Once the Sundays are all in print there is the daunting task of collecting 'komplete' the dailies, which ran from 28 October 1913 until 1944.
It may be kwite some time before the task is completed so I have gathered a short, sweet selection from that far off year of 1924, from a long-running sequence of gags featuring a meddlesome duck who would ban the brick, leading Ignatz to exasperate: "I hate ducks." Top 1 Oct 1924

2 Oct 1924

3 Oct 1924

4 Oct 1924

13 Oct 1924

24 Oct 1924
I love Krazy Kat. Keep them coming. charlie