Yesterday’s Papers Greatest Hits.
My most popular posts to date seem to be about war and propaganda which is now more often referred to as “public diplomacy” a less distasteful connotation. Once the study of propaganda is begun you begin to see it everywhere. One minor manipulative example involves American President Barack Obama. Whenever the cameras are rolling and Obama is talking to the “folks” he dresses in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up -- it is a bit subtle but leaves the impression in the targets' mind that he is, or is preparing to do, some hard and dirty work -- just like real “folks.”
Six of my greatest “hits” involve propaganda; four are about popular comics and their artists: Charles G. Bush, H. T. Webster, George Herriman and the father/son José Luis and Alberto Salinas. These have remained consistently popular throughout the last year. The top of the list in my top ten still generates 80 to 100 hits per week.
American Propaganda in World War I
15 Nov 2010
2,423 Pageviews
12 May 2010
929 Pageviews
Charles G. Bush and the Comic Strip
28 Mar 2010
771 Pageviews
Kronprinz Wilhelm Randolph von Hearst
4 Dec 2010
590 Pageviews
15 May 2010
581 Pageviews
11 Jan 2009
566 Pageviews
All House-painters aren’t Hitlers
1 Feb 2011,
406 Pageviews
21 Aug 2010
375 Pageviews
7 Jun 2011
365 Pageviews
Comic Strips, Cold War and Vietnam
25 May 2011,
361 Pageviews

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