Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Opper, Outcault and Company 1905

Opper, Outcault and Company.
The Comic Supplement and the Men who Make It, 

by Roy L. McCardell, in Everybody’s Magazine,
Vol. XII, Jan.-June 1905, pp.763-772

The Yellow Kid in Book Form, 
newspaper advertisement, April 3, 1897

Is Richard Outcault an Artist? 

by John P. Slocum, in Broadway Magazine,
Vol. XI, No. 6, Sept. 1903


  1. Roy McC was a storyteller who blended fact and fiction in his histories ... what do people think about his reporting that he was the one who suggested the comic supplement? Is his account the only one that places himself at the center of this?

  2. Thomas Masson in Our American Humorists (1931) also mentions McCardell as originator. However the story may have come from McCardell himself.
