Robin Alone. This lovely British comic strip from Mickey Mouse Weekly by Bill Lacey and an unknown writer first appeared on August 7, 1955 in the Sun Herald Supplement from Sydney, Australia. Robin wandered into the first panel, somewhere on the American plains, with his pets, all living together in loving harmony; a deer, a raccoon, a coyote, a bear, an eagle, and a monkey. The eagle, Ewak, was often shown thinking in thought balloons hovering over his head and conversing with the other animals.
Silly as all this sounds the strip was a grand adventure drawn with accomplished style. Another frequent character was Sergeant Mac the Mountie, also a mighty wanderer, from the Great Lone Land. As far as I can tell there was never an explanation for the origins of Robin or any reason for the chimp to be travelling the great plains with the young boy. The originals appeared in full color.
Thanks for posting these. I remember them from earlier still when they appeared in Mickey Mouse Weekly during the early fifties. Once again, thanks. Sites like this are one of the positive things to emerge from the internet.
ReplyDeleteI think you mean BILL Lacey. It certainly looks like his work here and in some of the Mickey Mouse Weeklys I own.
ReplyDeleteNot Bob? Thanks for the comment.